воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.

Do I need to go out to all parties of the country on May 1 area - survey

CHISINAU, April 20 - News-Moldova. Requests for mass rallies in the Great National Assembly Square, scheduled to celebrate the May Day, City Hall in the capital came from the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, the Communist Party, the Liberal Democrats, Socialists, and a number of public organizations.

Correspondents news agency Novosti-Moldova asked the people: The program which of these organizations, in their opinion, their work is most appropriate for the content of the holiday on 1 May? And who of the candidates should give preference to hold their shares?

Sergei, a plumber:

"I believe that the resolution should be given to trade unions. And who else? May 1 has not lost its true purpose. If we are talking about him as a Workers' Day, this holiday for a long time "privatized" Communists for their mass rallies in the square. Other parties do not represent any interest for me, so I think - only the trade unions. "

Natalie, a housewife:

"I think that the Communists deserve participation in promotions, especially since they have long claimed to hold a Civic Congress on this day."

Valentin, a locksmith:

"I think that the right to hold mass rallies May 1 should be given to trade unions, because it is a celebration of workers and not a separate party. That trade unions are trying all means to protect us from the tyranny of the authorities. "

Victoria, the artist:

"I'm definitely a confederation of trade unions. This day is rightly belongs to the workers, and political organizations can conduct their meetings and on other days. "

Julia, photographer:

"I think that none of the political organizations should not be allowed to hold the event May 1 at the Great National Assembly Square. This Labor Day, and politicians have done nothing for the workers. So my choice - the trade unions. "

Andrew, builder:

"I think that unions historically have earned the right to consider their day May 1. Why now have to choose between them and the political parties? This is wrong. May 1 in the squares around the world are going to the same people, like me, why politicize everything? After all, only trade unions are fighting for our rights, and reiterated that the recent events. It is because of unions, we no longer have to pay for the first day of their hospital. "

Ian, a student at the State Institute of International Affairs of the RM:

"The unions should hold the shares on May 1. They are the only ones who deserve the attention of the citizens. May 1 - a celebration of spring, labor, and good, and not violence and lies, it's not a holiday for our government. "

May 1, 1886 American workers organized a strike, putting forward the demand an 8-hour workday. The strike ended with a demonstration and accompanying bloody clash with police.

In July 1889 the Paris International Congress II in memory of the speech, working in Chicago decided to hold annual May 1 demonstrations. First day of international solidarity of workers was registered in 1890 in Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, USA, France, Norway, Sweden and some other countries.

A long time, May Day was a symbol of the revolution, the irreconcilable class struggle. Today, this holiday is celebrated in 142 countries around the world.

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